Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A journey with 1st graders

One Sunday, the minister ask for a volunteer to head the Bible Study for the youth in our church.  I felt a tug, was that tug God telling me to volunteer.  Well, I dismissed that tug, I couldn't teach a Bible study, what did I know about the Bible, certainly not enough to teach it.  I mean, really!  The next Sunday I heard the same plea for a volunteer, a lot of children had signed up for the study and only 2 teachers had signed up.  They would have to cancel the study if they can't find another volunteer.  What was that I felt, another tug, couldn't be, I'm not qualified to teach.

At the end of the service, I found myself looking into the eyes of the Children's Director, Marcie, and telling her that I would like to try teaching.  Was I crazy?  Yep, call me crazy!  Before I could finish getting the words out of my mouth, Marcie was saying "thank you, the 1st graders will be so excited to have you".  Wait a minute, 1st graders, no way, no how.   These words were flying through my brain, while my lips were saying "1st graders will be fun"!

I have been their teacher for 5 Wednesdays, and I'm feeling better about this journey.  Most of the lesson flies right over their sweet little heads.  But, repetition seems to be gluing some of the info to their memory, thank you sweet Jesus!  While I'm talking, they are writing and drawing in their BS journals, and some of the journals are quite impressive.  They love, best, the snacks that I bring, that I hope, represents the type of food that would have been eaten in Biblical times.  Honey, walnuts, apple slices, goat cheese, and flat breads, that sort of food!  We even built a campfire, pretending that we were shepherds watching over our sheep.  A flashlight was the fire!

Next weeks lesson tells about Jesus being tempted by the devil, should I go dressed as the devil?  Probably not, that would be too crazy.  I'll come up with something, it's a visual thing that I need to impress those active minds.  Journeys are the pathways to the mind!!!  

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Journey into a Southern Weekend

You wake up to a frosty 45 degree morning, you push the brew button on the coffeemaker, feed the cat, shower and put on warm clothes that you know will be shed for lighter clothes by noon. Ahh man, that coffee sure is smelling good.  You pour a cup and walk out to the deck that overlooks an unkept wooded backyard.  The unkept backyard doesn't bother the raccoons, squirrels and deer, it provides them with cover as they search for their breakfast. A sense of peace comes over you, you know that life can be good, and you thank the Creator for creating a spot of ground that provides you with happiness.

You walk to the carport making a mental note of all the "stuff" that you have gathered for the yard sale.  The Saturday bargain hunters will be showing up soon, eager to offer you half of what you have priced your "stuff" for.  Let the haggling begin.  As the day progresses, new friends are met, old friends are hugged, your "stuff" is being bagged, paid for, and the money box is getting full!!  Noon time is coming and the bargain hunters are trickling into the carport. Time to put on those lighter clothes for sure.  At least half of your "stuff" has found a new home, time to pack up what is left for the next Saturday yard sale.  There are 2 reasons for shutting down, the Georgia Bulldogs are going in at half-time ( and they are winning), and you feel a nap coming on.

The power nap puts you back in the groove, the SEC has rocked on this beautiful Saturday, the bar-b-que chicken plate at Bar H was delicious, and you finish this Southern Saturday, flipping between SEC football and the Charlotte Nascar race!  Life is good in the South!

Tomorrow will be Sunday, a day of rest, a day to reflect on the week ending, and a day to spend time thanking God for all your blessings.  Until next time and remember "detours are just new journeys"     

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My new journey.........

Okay, how do I start?  I'll start with my dream of being secure in my retirement years.  Boy, were those dreams wrong!  I always thought that what I deposited into my Social Security account would be substantial enough to be a good foundation and that income from my antique business would fulfill the balance.  The rose-colored glasses that I must have been wearing, just weren't rosy enough.  I have no one to blame for that, other than myself.  Looking for someone to blame for your own shortcomings, only keeps you from being what you can be.  Nor can you depend on someone to bring you success.  You are the one and only who can bring gratification to your life.  Now, that doesn't mean that having support from a kindred spirit doesn't count for a lot of happiness, but, how many of us find that kindred spirit?

Okay, back to my fallen dream.  As I found myself in my 50's, I watched my parents fall into very poor health, brought on from simply not taking care of themselves.  As they faltered, I found myself becoming increasingly responsible for them.  They became my priority, while my work ethic became nil.  The last 3 1/2 years were devoted to the care for Mom (Dad died in 2002).  My relationship with my 2 daughters and my 3 grandchildren suffered greatly, but I did not resent my parents for this time in my life and, for that, I am so grateful.  I owe, not being resentful, to my faith in God.  I let my faith guide me through this and depended, entirely, on Him to carry me through these valleys.  Mom passed away July 20th, leaving me to find a new purpose for my life and giving me time to recapture my relationship with my girls and grandchildren.

There are friends and passed customers that would describe me as creative and talented, I describe myself as a "jack of all trades, but a master of none"!  My passion, today, is cooking.  I, probably, will be blogging a good bit about my love for cooking.  And, here again, my cooking lacks consistency, some dishes are really good, some are really bad!!!

I look forward to traveling my new journey and I do hope, that many find my blog to travel with me.......until next time......